
Workshop 2010

Third International NHF Workshop 2010 – Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Food and nutrition security in transition: “Livelihoods, Food Cultures, and Patterns in Food Consumption and Behaviour in (Southeast) Asia”

The workshop was held from 10 to 13 May, 2010 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The Workshop was hosted by the Centre for Population and Policy Studies (CPPS).


Food cultures, food consumption and behaviour, and livelihoods are major determinants of food security and as a consequence of nutrition security at household level. In Asia, and in particular Southeast Asia, food and nutrition are in rapid transition. Nutritional deficiencies can be found in both urban and rural areas, whilst over-nutrition is a concern as well. On the one hand traditional foods, including the so-called wild foods, are at stake. On the other hand, there is a renewed interest in them. Gender dimensions of livelihood and food security in transition are a cross-cutting theme. Finally, attention will be given to linking research with policy and programmes. The workshop aims at getting more insight in these processes of change.

Objectives of the workshop

The objectives of the workshop were:

  • Bring together NHF supported researchers and some relevant professionals from Southeast Asia;
  • Discuss the state of the art of research about food and nutrition at household level, with particular reference to food culture, food consumption and behaviour, livelihoods and nutrition security;
  • Discuss the processes of food and nutrition security in transition;
  • Give researchers the opportunity to develop their presentation and writing skills, or to prepare a poster based on their own research data;
  • Exchange research experiences, including those with regard to practical fieldwork and methodological issues ;
  • Promote interdisciplinary work and research related to food and nutrition;
  • Reflect on the linkages between research with policies and programmes.

The themes of the workshop were:

  1. Food cultures
  2. Food consumption and  behaviour
  3. Livelihood and food security
  4. Nutrition security
  5. Linking research to programmes

Within all themes food and nutrition in transition is a major focus.


Researchers and other professionals, supported by the Neys-van Hoogstraten Foundation (NHF), presented a paper about their study or a poster about their research. For abstracts see

Report workshop 2010